Dry Skin

Dry skin? Don't fret! It is more common that you'd think, especially when its colder out and the humidity drops. 

Dry skin happens when the skin doesn't have enough moisture to balance the skin. 

Nerd moment: The body (really all things) are trying to reach homeostasis. So its goal is to be balanced. When the body is not at balance, it will tell you what it needs, some how. In this case of dry skin it is telling you it needs moisture by flaking, tightening, having a rough texture, and even itching. (some of these things are third order effects, but you get it)

There are many things that can contribute to dry skin, that you can't really control, like the environment, and medical conditions. There are other factors that you can control, like harsh products, lack. of products, or wrong products. 

To treat dry skin, making it go from dry to balanced, you just be consistent! It can take a while before you see results. On average, I'd say 1-2 months of consistency and you'll start to see a difference. You will need a routine filled with products that are formulated specifically for dry skin. These products will focus on hydration and protection of the skin barrier.  

You want to have a cleanser that is gentle and does not strip the skin of its natural oils. So the cleanser you want, probably shouldn't lather up a whole lot. A milky cleanser is best. You want to have a serum that is focused on hydration (that means it needs to have water) to help the skin achieve balance. Follow it up with a moisturizer that has lots of emollients and humectants.

Ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides are excellent for attracting and retaining moisture!

Exfoliating regularly will help remove dead skin cells that allows your serums, and moisturizer, penetrate deeper and helps to improve the effectiveness 

Also, you can get a humidifier to help you maintain a good level of humidity in your home so your skin will not dry out.

Hope this helps! 

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