Purging vs Breakout

So if you were anything like me, you probably started using some great quality skincare (like Nati Skin) after months and even years of using skincare that didn't take the most pride when it came to the ingredients that they used. 

When you switched products, you started getting breakouts, or so you thought! You may have been experiencing a phenomenon called PURGING

So what is purging you ask? Great question! 

Purging is when your skin is pushing all the dirt, sebum, dead skin cells, oil, etc. up out of your face


How can you tell? It's a little tricky but the biggest factor will be.. time. I know, booooo. lol. 


If the pimples/whiteheads, blackheads, etc., show up in an area where you normally break out, then that is a good sign that you are purging. Because remember, it was already lurking under the surface, and now it's bringing it up, and what? Yes. Outta ya face! 


Another way to tell is how long they stay. If they stay for a shorter amount of time than usual, then it's more than likely purging. 


If you are getting blemishes in areas you typically do not have them, it is probably a breakout and you may want to discontinue use. 


THAT BEING SAID... you want to stay the course for at LEAST a month of consistent use with the product because that's how long it takes for your skin (epidermis) to renew itself. 


I know that was a lot, but hit me if you have any questions! Just reply to this email, easy peazy! 




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